Fund Development

Fund Development

Creating Development Plans for Sustainability

ESC can provide you with a tool kit, techniques and strategies tailored to enhance your organization’s fundraising efforts with individuals, corporations and foundations. We can assess where you are with your current fundraising initiatives and what you need to do to expand your capacity. We can provide a template to guide you in dealing with current donors and identifying new prospects, advice on the most effective tools to use for your particular constituency and techniques to use with individuals, corporations, and major donors.

Solutions to Jumpstart Your Fundraising

Do you need to?:

  • Get your fundraising better organized
  • Raise more money from current or former donors
  • Present a compelling case to potential donors
  • Expand your membership or donor base
  • Get the board more involved in fundraising
  • Get ready for a capital campaign
  • Deal with drastic changes in your fundraising environment

ESC provides services to help you:

  • Assess your fundraising initiatives
  • Strengthen your messages and themes
  • Advise on the most effective tools for your constituency
  • Provide a toolkit with templates, techniques and strategies
  • Advise on strategies to get your board involved
  • Provide fundraising training for directors and staff
  • Assess your position in the community and your readiness for a capital campaign
  • Create a comprehensive market study of your fundraising environment
  • Provide an overall sustainability analysis to secure your long term success


Learn about insights from our consulting.  Contact us to learn about our $500 Fundraising Audit for Nonprofits with revenues below $500,000.

Funding challenges for nonprofits.
Read ESC’s Today’s Grant Funding Challenges and How ESC Can Help by Chris van Curan


We provide capacity building solutions to strengthen your board, make a strategic plan for your future, increase your fundraising capacity, market your programs, pay your staff fairly, grow your revenues, and more.


Make a donation and help us make an impact in your community.


Request a free assessment visit by an ESC Consultant. Contact us.


    Become A Volunteer

    We provide challenging, high impact volunteer opportunities for our network of senior-level executives and professionals to “give back” to the community by working with nonprofit leaders to strengthen their organizations.

    Contact us to learn more about becoming a Volunteer Consultant.

    Nonprofit Sectors Served

    Arts, Culture, Human Services, Community Improvement, Humanities, Education, Health Care/Mental Health, Environmental, and more

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